DELEGATE: Double the Results! Halve YOUR Effort!

With Sally Foley-Lewis

There’s only one you. Something has to give. It’s time to delegate!

Do you have more work to do than hours available?

Do you start your work when everyone has finished or left for the day?

Do you have a never ending ToDo list?

There’s only one you: In a fast changing work environment you have to continually prioritise what you can actually achieve in a day, week, month or year. It’s impossible to do it on your own.

Something has to give: You feel it would be easier if you just do it yourself. You want to delegate but don’t know how. You don’t know if you can trust the work will get done to the right standard.

It’s time to delegate: Are you ready to stop drowning, reduce stress, get more done, and go home on time?

  • Understand what delegation is and what it really isn’t.
  • Identify and remove your roadblocks to delegating.
  • Calculate the ROI of delegating: the true value of delegating successfully.
  • Types of delegators: learn which one you are and what impact that has on your workload and your team.
  • Discover the three secret success factors to delegating for results.

Sally Foley-Lewis inspires managers to be high performing, purposeful and productive. She ensures people reach their potential. Sally’s presentations and programs positively impact confidence, leadership and results. A multi-award winning global professional speaker, Sally has also authored many books. The drive to support and skill managers comes from her own CEO and senior leadership experiences. Through presentations, keynote speeches, workshops and coaching – online and face-to-face – Sally skills managers, boosts productive, confidence and self-leadership.
